I am taking pictures of our different colored
Sebastopols. This is so people can compare their Sebastopols on both goslings and adults in order for those having trouble
picking the color of their Sebastopol(s).
I know myself there were not many people out
there that have put the colors of Sebastopol goslings and adults, so that we can look to see and compare with what
we might have. I am going to try and have pictures of both adult and goslings. This will be to help people try and figure
out what their goslings are and also adults.
I might need the help of other breeders who
have good clear pictures of goslings and adults. Plus hopefully give me permission to put their pictures on my website.
This page will be dedicated towards helping for this purpose.
This will take
awhile to build and hopefully with the help of other breeders we can make this page as helpful for everyone.