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Gray Saddleback & Splash Sebastopol Geese

Ginger sleeping with the ducks  09-30-10   
Gray Saddleback curly breasted goose.
Ginger is for SALE....

A female Gray Saddleback Sebastopol from Dave and Millie Holderread. Thank you Dave and Millie. Pictures taken right after they arrived. Hanna is her name and she is the one at the very back to the left of the picture behind the Lavender head.

Lance Gray Saddleback smooth breasted, middle Gloria and right at edge of picture Lightning

Thank you Dorothy Thomas for Lance

Lance middle, left Grant, Samantha right

Lance in middle, Grant gray left, right Samantha, Sarina far right

Spicie middle, Gloria left and Lance right  

Spicie middle, Gloria left and Lance right  